Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Isolation is bullies target a person by treating them as an unwelcome outcast in society. I believe this type of bullying is self damaging that can affect its victim drastically. The reason why is because the victim may suffer from self dept  This form of bullying is a part of emotional bullying because a emotional bully exclude their victim by leaving them out of activities,not inform them about work, any information to do(school) or even spread rumors about the target.
The target begin to believe that no one is interested in their thoughts or feeling and being to feel withdrawn. A person who is isolated in a long period of time they will begin to have poor social qualities. Alienation will cause its victim to not be able to have good social skills by shyness,insecurities and psychological problems. Loss of interest in fun activities will be one of the major symptoms because a person can be isolated for so long that they do not even care. This can lead to depression because the victim will not experience any happiness in a setting will begin to feel like the odd ball.
If the victim begin to get bullied(highschool) if they do not have real loyal friends they will most likely be isolated. Those so called "friends" begin to get full of themselves turn their backs on their once friend(victim) simply because they do not want to be the next target.

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